Saturday, March 1, 2025

Rabbit, Rabbit, Happy Lucky March!



 Rabbit, rabbit, may we all have the most happy and prosperous March possible. And yes, I know that I missed February. Evidently, I wasn't feeling it.

 The above picture was an announcement for yesterday's boycott, but I couldn't resist using it here. I usually go with a March Hare image today, but this one seemed more appropriate.

 It has been difficult to think about anything other than the news, honestly. And boycotting? Completely boycotting everything that is evil has gotten sadly impossible. That Amazon has become almost a necessity to many people is profound. There are many situations and places where people need to rely on either Walmart or Amazon.

So, we all will do our best to be kind to one another and call our representatives regularly. 

In personal news, Mike's dad is about to move into a nursing home. The good news is that we found a nice, well regarded place, and he can actually have a single room for a couple of years. When he runs out of money, he'll be on Medicaid and then he will have to share a room. And of course I can't stop worrying about what this administration will do to that plan. And what in the hell Gen X'ers are going to do. And everyone in between, for that matter.

See? The current news makes everything in daily life either ominous or irrelevant. And I know that in order to survive these coming years, I have to take one day at a time and enjoy the nice things in my little life, because they matter to me and one day, these will be my memories. 

On the bright side, I've discovered Lennie!  Lennie is delightful.


 Happy Saturday, y'all.  Whatchaupto?

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Rabbit, Rabbit!! 2025

 Rabbit, rabbit, happy lucky January, everyone, and happy 2025!

I hope everyone had a festive holiday season. I've had the recent pleasure of visiting with both my sisters and some extended family. It's always nice to catch up with everyone. 

Last month, we went on a cruise that sailed from Orlando, Florida, to Belize, Honduras, and Mexico. It was a very enjoyable getaway, and we learned some stuff.

As usual, I'm skipping that resolution thing, as I hate feeling like a failure. Too much pressure! I get enough of that from that green owl. 

So, whatchaupto?

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Merry December!

 So, okay, it's a bit late to say Rabbit, rabbit, and its been a year since I've posted here. I was over on my bookish flip side, struggling with margins and font colors, when I remembered that someone wanted me to post here again. 

Evidently, Blogger doesn't like it when you write stuff using another program (in my case, it was Google docs), then try to cut and paste that work onto Blogger. Evidently, I'm a slow learner, or perhaps my memory is failing fast, because I wind up gnashing my teeth and hissing every time I do this. Perhaps if I were more prolific, I'd remember to just create the darn thing here, then cut and paste it to Goodreads and Netgalley. Geez. Blogger is a Google app, why doesn't it play well with docs? Anyway, it's still obvious that I struggled with the margins, but luckily, the reader will not be able to tell that the font colors were changing mid-paragraph, too. Yeah, I still have no clue what caused that, but after a lot of trial and error, that seems to be fixed. Whatever.

This coming week will be busy. We are leaving for our annual cruise THIS Thursday. As usual, I haven't even thought about packing. I need a haircut, and it occurs to me that this needs to be done tomorrow. And I really should think about packing. I have a concept of a plan. This year, we'll also have a guest: our niece is coming to visit her grandpa, and this year, she must stay at our place, since Bob  no longer has an apartment. He now occupies one room in an assisted living situation, which will make her annual visit a bit different, I think.

It's a bright and sunny day outside, and it's actually not freezing, hurray! I should go take a walk. Maybe I will.

Hi, Mom! Whatchaupto?

Friday, December 1, 2023

Rabbit, Rabbit, It's December!


Happy Friday, December 1st, everyone. I've neglected saying this a few times, but good luck in December!

Today is the first day of meteorological winter, and it feels like it. I am extremely thankful to be living where I do, with heat, enough food, and so much more. My life is one of great fortune. 

Mike and I had a delightful breakfast yesterday with Mom on her birthday. I am also thankful for having my mother.  Mom was deathly ill with COVID earlier this year, with pneumonia and sepsis, so it's really amazing that she is back to being herself again. Being sick for an extended period sucks, but she is having better days now.

In September, Mike and I took a trip to Ireland, which was a fantastic experience. There were about sixty people on our bus, and surprisingly, a fairly large percentage of them were Australian. There were also some Brits, but the largest number of us were from the US. 

Soon, we will go on a cruise with a couple friends we met at magic collectors' conventions. This will be a different experience for us, and I'm looking forward to it, especially having friends with us at dinner. That will add to the fun, for sure. 

Tomorrow night, we're going to dinner with friends from the Annville area who I feel very lucky to know. It'll be fun, catching up with them. 

My other blog, about Netgalley books, has also been quiet, but I suddenly have two titles to read, so I'll be back. I'd taken some time off to read a longer book club selection, and then a library book. That title was A Gentleman in Moscow, by Amor Towles, a historical novel that I do recommend. I loved it.

When I went to check out other library books on my radar, I found that they were all immensely popular, so I am now on about seven (7) waitlists.  

So, I'd better start reading these two titles from Netgalley. Are you  reading anything good? Whatchaupto?

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Rabbit, Rabbit! Happy, Lucky August, Everyone!

 Good morning! Yes, I'm actually writing a blog entry, such as it is, on August 1, 2023. The year is something I need to remind myself about these days, since time becomes so fluid and easily poured out in retirement.  

And speaking of this human construct, August, a month that arbitrarily has thirty-one (31) days, is regarded as the Sunday of summer. That should mean that it's relaxing, but I think most people think it means that this warm weathered season is almost over for those who are having a relaxed break from school. (I keep wondering why we capitalize the first letter in the days of the week. It's weird.)

So, what do I have to write home about? For one thing, we learned last night, during dinner at our favorite Indian restaurant, that Banana Leaf is about to get a makeover. I'd noticed that the walls looked spruced up, and then realized that they'd painted. They are getting new furniture and there will be about four special places to be reserved for Indian barbecue, which the owner says is very common in India, but not present here at all, and it's nothing like the barbecue places we have in the US. These tables will have their own fire pits, but it sounds like barbecue will also be available to order, also  (but if you wanna cook your own, reserve a pit and grill to your heart's desire). 

There will also be a Jain table. I did not know what this was until asking what this term was on the menu. Jain cuisine is lacto-vegetarian and lacks root veggies. People who practice Jain ascetics do not want to disturb small insects and microorganisms. Learning something new every day!  There are plenty of veggies that are considered okay to them, but I would sure miss potatoes and beets.

In ME news, I have become addicted to playing games on my phone. It's appalling, really. I'm supposed to be reading David Copperfield, the Dickens classic, as a precursor to enjoying Demon Copperhead, by Barbara Kingsolver. Mike finished, of course, because he is focused and disciplined. I am barely halfway through, largely because I've been playing Best Fiends, Solitaire 2, Royal Match...the list goes on. Sometimes, I forget to play Wordle! I had a nice long streak going there, too. Obviously, it wasn't important, and I really, truly, don't care what Wordlebot says. If I got that word in three or four guesses, I'm happy, save the statistics for people with minds--not like mine.

Moving on, as I should be, we here in Pennsylvania have been enjoying weather that is hot, but not as hot as many parts of the country or world. Climate change is killing people. We might be witnessing a tipping point, a huge change in life as we know it. 

And meanwhile, life goes on. A former president may or may not serve time for a host of crimes, democracy around the world is facing tough times, and I'm playing games.

On a lighter note, I visited #1 sister yesterday. Evidently, her cat Kathe does not get enough attention, and covered me with her hair, since I'd just shaved and was lacking hair of my own. #1 sister just had carpal tunnel surgery, so is homebound for a bit, since she's not to drive. I walked there, and discovered that even the walkable journey measures a bit less than three miles. And the walk home shook all the cat hair off me, too. It was a lovely day for a walk, too, and I was grateful to get in a walk while visiting!  Cool beans.

Mike is now a walker, too. I was pleasantly surprised at how happily he's given up running and found walking to be an enjoyable exercise. And he's got new, spiffy Hokas that are giving him happy feet.

And now I suppose that it's time for me to get up and move...

So, whatchaupto?

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Hey, it's June, and it's almost over

 Wow, I totally forgot to blog this month, and it's already mostly over. As usual, I'm disturbed by how quickly my life is flashing before me, but I'll try not to dwell on that for now.

Random stuff: 

I'm sad that Reddit is choking its third party apps, and missing some of my favorite subreddits, since they've gone dark in protest. These forums are slowly coming back, but I fear that Reddit will be forever changed. We'll see. In the meantime, I've noticed that the official app isn't as bad as it used to be.  And, I was surprised to read in the r/help forum how many people didn't know about the protest and thought that they'd done something wrong! Also, quite a few people were barely aware that all these other apps even existed. So, yeah. I'll miss the app I was using (RIF, or Reddit is Fun), but it's not the end for me. I do think Reddit will miss all that voluntary moderation, though! 

I'm glad that Hunter Biden is pleading guilty to his crimes and perhaps we can stop hearing about his *#!* laptop. 

I was listening to Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me whilst walking today, and that show always highlights news stories that sound like paradies. Well, some of them are, but honestly, some serious crazy shit goes on out there--

In the 1990s, a murder trial was decided by a Ouiji board. Of course, someone has written a book about this, and also of course there was a retrial.

Item: a TikToker faked his own death so he could show up for his funeral by helicopter. I think this is an awful prank, and he must have issues. 

And, I learned a new, fun term: beige flag. It's a dating term for something that's less serious than a red flag, but something that might give one pause. Or, something that won't kill you, but might drive you bonkers. I wouldn't spend much time with a guy with a pet tarantula, for instance. Tarantulas are not poisonous and do not want to hurt people, but--their hairy little legs and visible eight eyes might give me the willies. And, it might be cruel to keep them as pets. And they need to eat insects, so--'nuff said. A pet tarantula is a beige flag.


AND, here I am, haven't even published this blog yet. Publish seems a fancy word for what this is, and yet. There have been lots of big news stories since I last visited. I'm so sorry for those men who died in that sub exploring the Titanic. And fascinated by what is going on in Russia. And watching all the legal issues unfold for the former guy. 


Saturday, May 6, 2023

Marvelous May

  Did you sleep well last night? I did. And it's sunny outside, and I had a good step aerobics workout, and then I went to visit Mom and saw Della, too. 

Mom and Della sure looked chipper for a couple people who got up earlier than I did, and that's impressive. 

What have I been up to? Well, I just finished a novel that's been on my list, by Kazuo Ishiguro, called Klara and the Sun.  One of Ishiguro's themes is duty, and, like both Remains of the Day and Never Let Me Go, this was sad and thought provoking. Klara is a sentient robot, and this story seems especially timely.

In other news, I'm very relieved that Ed Sheeren did defeat that copyright infringement case against him. It seemed most unfair and unlikely that someone could claim to own a certain cord progression. 

And ah, yes, there was a coronation across the pond for the first time in decades, but I just can't seem to work up any interest in it.  

And the Kentucky Derby is today, but seven (7) horses have died this week, leading up to this event. What's going on? Are these horses being over-trained and over bred? How very sad. 

On Monday, Mike and I are driving out to Cleveland,  Ohio, for a convention of magic collectors. Yes, it's taking place in the middle of the week, because it's less expensive that way, and--it's an older crowd. I'll try to take some pictures.

I usually have a relaxing time reading and exploring while Mike hangs in the dealer room. I'm glad we're driving out, too, so that I can pack the kitchen sink, just in case. 

Netgalley has graciously floated me a couple of mysteries that look interesting, too. Perfect timing.

So, whatchaupto?