Saturday, April 20, 2019

'Round and 'round...

It's that time of year again. And, this year, Easter falls on my third chemoversary.  ( I know that's not a real word, but it works.) There aren't many pictures, and I accidently lost a couple, but this is the one I saved from three months out of chemo, when I'd finally finished all those radiation treatments.

My finish line picture:

Those three months did wonders for my hair! It almost looked intentional.

Over these past three years, I've had my panics and anxieties, and am happy to say that things are getting calmer inside my noggin. Yes, there's a fine line between being vigilant and being a paranoid hypochondriac. Little by little, I'm exhaling.

Here's to seeing the world through rosier lenses. (Artwork: Lisa Buckridge)


Gracious me, I haven't blogged in an age--which in this case means the beginning of the year. Since then, I got to visit Lowell, MA with my sister and mother, which was a rare treat. Yes, it was still very much winter, but we got to see Lara, Emily, Deva, and Digory. We toured a museum and ate well--including Indian, Greek, and Asian places. Lara's congregation is full of wonderfully nice people.

In June, Mike and I will fly to Minneapolis, MN for the magic convention, which I am very much looking forward to. This convention is going to be a busy and exceptionally interesting one, so it remains to be seen how much of Minneapolis we'll see. We've already decided that next year, we'll take the train out to Minnesota, this time with Bob, Mike's dad. It will be a much easier way for him to travel, and he'd be delighted to see the family. Our time will be more open-ended next year, too.


What a beautiful day! Everything is all green and blooming outside, an iconic spring day.


Today is the 20th anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting. Twenty years. Some of the students traumatized that day have children of their own, now. Since then, school shootings have happened again and again. Spring heralds new life. Let's do more than hope for a brighter future--I hope we Americans can agree on a more sane way to be. And let's survive this current nightmare by choosing better.

Have a wonderful holiday, however you spend it!


1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about your chemoversary also. I always love it when you post.
    The trip to see Lara and Emily and Digory was good. I wish they lived closer.
    Hope to see you this weekend.
