Sunday, August 4, 2019

August Greetings

Good morning! Has it really been three months since I filled this space with my ramblings?

For me, summer is usually uneventful--if I'm lucky.  These past few summers, for me, have had their fretful moments. July has been particularly stressful. This time, the insanity at work, the heat, and my native anxiety came together and gave me a solid punch (panic attacks).   After a quick trip to the doctor, I'm back on a baby dose of Lexapro, and it seems to be helping quite a bit. Many thanks to my mother for being there for me!

Did I forget to put a Rabbit, rabbit! In this post? Yep. So, four days late, happy lucky August, everyone!

In June, we flew out to Minneapolis for the annual Magic Collector's Convention (we go every other year), and got to see the nieces and walk around beautiful parks and eat ice cream.

There is not much else to report... we have not been to a pool or park since then. No picnics, either. However, September will be full of those things; we go on vacation soon, and we have friends who have invited us to a September gathering out in Annville, which I will enjoy very much. Tonight, we have a book group gathering, also. It'll almost feel like a reunion, the way everyone seems to go their separate ways during the summer.

Everything will be different next year, I know. At work, I have made no announcement yet that I intend to leave at the end of the year. Hopefully, things will get better for everyone soon.

On such a lovely weekend, it seems bizarre to hear the dreadful news of another shooting at another Walmart. A massacre. What's going on?  Sometimes, I fear anther civil war. One of our group reads was a novel called American War, by Omar El Akkad, a novel that envisions a split over the use of fossil fuels. Now, I'm afraid, there seems to be this rift over immigration--a sad irony in the land of immigrants.

Wait--there's been another shooting in Dayton, Ohio overnight?


Tomorrow is my birthday. My coworkers are so sweet...there are so few of us...they are bringing food and trying to make my life's anniversary as nice as possible. It's nice not to have to pack a lunch, and have stuff to graze on all day, as we can. Mike and I will go out to dinner tomorrow night, and that will be fun, too.

Last night's movie was Free Solo, the documentary about Alex Honnold's quest to climb El Capitan in Yosemite--without a rope or any means of support. Any false move could have ended his life. Even though I knew this ended happily, I had a hard time watching it. Alex finished in three hours, 56 minutes. Same time it took my to run that first marathon. Alex had to think of his every step, every grip. Impossible to imagine.

Okay, over and out for, whatchaupto?

1 comment:

  1. I've missed your posts.
    How nice of your co-workers to treat you on your birthday!
    It does seem to have been a rather strange summer. Too much rain on and on, and then too much heat for days and days.
    Actually, although I shouldn't mention he-who-shall-not-be-named, everything has gone to pot rather quickly since Jan. 2017.
    We live in unlucky times. It's not hard to imagine a civil war.
    But there have been some good days and visits with family, so I want to remember to think of those days, difficult as that is.
