Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Gracious me, the election is finally over, the transition begun at last, and it's a bright and sunny day today.

 AND I found my favorite reading glasses! I know, I didn't tell the world that they were lost, but they were misplaced, very misplaced, for over a week. I'm going crazy, and know it, which was why I looked in far zanier places than I found them. They weren't in the refrigerator or freezer, for instance. I dreamt about them last night, and so suddenly rechecked a place they were not, but then I rechecked another box, and there they were! Inanimate objects hiding from me, again.

Enough of that. I've been so sidetracked by current news and other anxieties that I'm not getting as much fun reading done. I have finally finished my Halloween read (!) and am musing on what actually happened to the protagonists, later...there has not been a sequel to 'Salem's Lot. 

I can't seem to keep track of the date. It's late November, imagine that. The year 2020 will end rather soon, and with more than one company working on a COVID vaccine, there is hope for a more normal future. 

Next month, we are flying into Cancun Airport. Fortunately, it is not for a gathering, but to sit on the beach and bask in a warmer climate. And hear the ocean again. It's addictive. And where we go is never crowded, and we will be very, very careful in the airport. It's a direct, chartered flight on Frontier Airlines. It's  a relief that we at least avoided Thanksgiving, and should be home before the worst of the Christmas travel. Of course, masks on, shields down. And yes, we are hoarding food for our two week quarantine, afterwards.

Mike's Dad lives in what has proven to be a safe environment, and unsurprisingly, visitation is ending. However, residents have not been forbidden to leave the premises. 

On to what seems like trivial news, my new addiction is Spotify. When I realized that Pandora is USA-only, and I wouldn't be able to use it at all during vacation, I decided to try Spotify, and was impressed by their free version. It's much better than Pandora's, and when I was offered a free three-month trial of their premium service, I bit. It might become--essential for life. My fingers did shake as I signed up, I knew what would happen to me. I'm the one who sullenly replaced some of my LPs with CDs, then MP3s, then said, that's it, I'll never use a music service--renting music! And yet. There's just so much out there, and the groovy play lists. Anything I want. (What I really really want.) And, of course, I can use the same app for my podcast addiction. No wonder I'm not reading as much as I'd meant to. 

We are looking forward to Thanksgiving with Mom and Della! 


1 comment:

  1. Love this post. Fun and funny and upbeat.
    It was wonderful to have Thanksgiving Day with you, Mike, and Della.
    I'll see you again next week.
