Saturday, November 7, 2020

Rabbit, Rabbit. Belated

  Rabbit, rabbit, happy lucky November, everyone! And, after a week of nail biting, it is finally possible to proclaim some hope that 2020 will end on a positive note. 

Some things are worth waiting for, such as a presidential election that ends The Trump Terror Reign. He will continue to make scary noises for awhile, but it will die down.

Do you feel freed? I do. I began to realise that I wasn't enjoying much of anything. For awhile, I was consumed with texting people to nag them to vote, and staying on top the of the responses. And then being consumed with the trickling-in ballot counts. I had dreaded how slow our state would be to count ballots, and hoping it didn't come down to Pennsylvania. It did, and it's okay. It took longer, but we got there. I'm good at dreading things.

It's time to start looking forward to things. The pandemic is not getting better, but we are going to take a trip next month, to our favorite resort south of Cancun. It will be the retirement celebration, as Mike will be giving the up the parttime work, and also a celebration of a very different year to come. We've never been to Mexico in December. When we get back, we'll have to quarantine, but we haven't been going out much, anyway.

I've started to listen to NPR's coverage of people's reactions, how festive things sound in big cities, and the total lack of any of the rioting and looting that was so feared. There are people who don't believe the election is over and that there was widespread fraud. Hopefully, that won't develop into anything violent. 

It's so strange, how Trump will not concede or welcome his opponent to The White House, the way the Obamas welcomed him. In the meantime, before the inauguration, there is work that needs to be done, such as passing another stimulus package. In the background, Trump will be insisting on ballot recounts. Chaos until the end, for sure.

I am elated that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are White House bound in January, and will simply have to watch what goes on, as if it were reality TV.  After this year, we won't have the constant drama anymore. 



1 comment:

  1. I first breathed a big sign of relief. Then the POSHIT in office started acting just like himself.
    I heard today that part of his grandstanding is to raise money for his campaign debt. He says the money for legal expenses to fight the election results. But in the small print it does say that the money may also be used to clear his debt for the losing campaign.
