Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Rabbit, Rabbit!! 2025

 Rabbit, rabbit, happy lucky January, everyone, and happy 2025!

I hope everyone had a festive holiday season. I've had the recent pleasure of visiting with both my sisters and some extended family. It's always nice to catch up with everyone. 

Last month, we went on a cruise that sailed from Orlando, Florida, to Belize, Honduras, and Mexico. It was a very enjoyable getaway, and we learned some stuff.

As usual, I'm skipping that resolution thing, as I hate feeling like a failure. Too much pressure! I get enough of that from that green owl. 

So, whatchaupto?


  1. Lara left this morning. I enjoyed the holidays, but I'm a tad tired. Hope to see you soon.

  2. You have to Rabbit RABBIT now.
