Saturday, March 1, 2025

Rabbit, Rabbit, Happy Lucky March!



 Rabbit, rabbit, may we all have the most happy and prosperous March possible. And yes, I know that I missed February. Evidently, I wasn't feeling it.

 The above picture was an announcement for yesterday's boycott, but I couldn't resist using it here. I usually go with a March Hare image today, but this one seemed more appropriate.

 It has been difficult to think about anything other than the news, honestly. And boycotting? Completely boycotting everything that is evil has gotten sadly impossible. That Amazon has become almost a necessity to many people is profound. There are many situations and places where people need to rely on either Walmart or Amazon.

So, we all will do our best to be kind to one another and call our representatives regularly. 

In personal news, Mike's dad is about to move into a nursing home. The good news is that we found a nice, well regarded place, and he can actually have a single room for a couple of years. When he runs out of money, he'll be on Medicaid and then he will have to share a room. And of course I can't stop worrying about what this administration will do to that plan. And what in the hell Gen X'ers are going to do. And everyone in between, for that matter.

See? The current news makes everything in daily life either ominous or irrelevant. And I know that in order to survive these coming years, I have to take one day at a time and enjoy the nice things in my little life, because they matter to me and one day, these will be my memories. 

On the bright side, I've discovered Lennie!  Lennie is delightful.


 Happy Saturday, y'all.  Whatchaupto?


  1. Yay you posted. I'm like you think about the current situation all the time. But I will die protesting.

    1. Hi Mom! Now that I'm using Duckduckgo, I can't just comment as myself on my blog 🤣thanks for reading. We'll get through this
