Monday, February 19, 2018


Yesterday was the 29th anniversary of our wedding, and as I woke up, it struck me that the weather was the same; after our wedding, we'd driven down to Williamsburg, Virginia, and the next morning, as we woke up, we thought it was raining. Fortunately, opening the curtains introduced us to a lovely, sunny day--with lots of dripping going on. That was the case here yesterday, too. We had a flash-snow. And no, I couldn't actually hear the thaw, but it was very visible, big wads of fluff falling from the trees. One of our neighbors had managed to construct two fairly large snow people, and I wondered when they'd done that and where they'd gotten so much snow. Their tenure (the snow people's) didn't last long...

Twenty-nine much has happened. We're close to retirement, now. Time has flown and sometimes inched forward in slow traffic. We've lost close family members and cooed at baby nieces. I've had a few jobs. We've stayed in the same house, as a nearby highway was constructed, followed by a major townhouse development down the street. I've worked in the same building for ten years, but the job has undergone a metamorphosis. And, I suppose, so have I.

We've spent more years married than unmarried--I mean, over half our lives. We were 25 and 26 at the time. I'm so thankful that we still have each other! As time goes by, it becomes more obvious that nothing is to be taken for granted.

And now, it's time to start another day...


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, believe me it hit me some time ago that you had been gone from our house to your new life with your husband for longer than we got to have you in our home.
    Meanwhile I have lived in the house where we raised you for more than half my life.
    Life has too many changes to suit me...that's the way I feel about it right now.
