Sunday, November 17, 2019

November Rambling

Late November, 2019.  It's cold, and I'm sitting here, rambling at my leisure. I'm feeling well these days, not as anxious or paranoid as I've been. In fact, I cannot remember the last time I googled a symptom. I seem to be sleeping better, too, though I also seem to want to sleep later. I have an echo dot in another room, with the alarm set, but it is such a pleasing tone that I don't mind hearing it for awhile. It would probably be best to choose something more jarring, but that would not be a pleasant start to the day.

My older sister is staying with Mom, recuperating from hip replacement surgery, and I hope she gets her energy and mobility back as soon as possible. I'm surprised she was discharged so soon. Also, my sister-in-law, who had a dreadful falling accident, is recovering from a complicated shoulder surgery, and I wish her speedy improvement, as well. 

Yesterday, after getting home from my short Saturday shift at work, I joined Mike over at Bob's (ever thankful that we persuaded him to move in just down the road) to see Mike's cousin/Bob's nephew, who was in town. That was a very nice visit, and reminded me of how swiftly time passes. The last time I saw John was at a family wedding, when his kids were too young to bring along. They are now in their thirties. Geez.

Oh, we all age, I know, and it is a privilege to still be here. I am truly thankful, and amazed that we are so close to being retired. My last day will be in early January--I couldn't go out right at the end of December, since one of my coworkers is already doing that, and it would be too much at once. So, I'll stay on just a week or so more, until things settle down. 

And no, I'm not afraid of boredom. There will always be things to do. As Kurt Vonnegut said, we are here to fart around, which is something we can all enjoy doing, in our own idioms, of course.

Exhibit A of farting around: it took me a good twenty minutes to properly download and transfer a library epub book to my Nook.  Didn't this used to be easier, or did I forget how to do it? Probably the latter. When I get faster at that, there will be more things to spend time figuring out. I should be going over my Scrabble list words right now, since we will be playing in about an hour.

OH! Newsflash: I beat Mike last week. This is a rare happening, and it happened on his birthday. It felt rude, very rude. Later, as we were getting out of the car to go into one of his favorite restaurants for his birthday night, he realized that his gel seat cushion had exploded all over his sport coat and a bit got on his pants, too. He took it surprisingly well, just left the jacket in the car and moped himself up in the restroom. We had a delicious dinner, a great malbec, and it was a happy ending for the sport jacket, too--it cleaned up perfectly.

That's the end of this farting around rambling episode.



  1. What a wonderful post to happen onto on this Thanksgiving day!
    I'm going to read it again later, and then add another comment.
    See you later today!

  2. Thank you sweetie. I really love this post. It's uplifting.
    Thanksgiving was great, wasn't it?
    I'm also quite happy that Bob moved near you. I always hated the idea of you two driving all that distance in the dark days of winter.

  3. Thinking of you. Hoping for LOTS of pictures.

  4. Some people keep checking this site for a new post Those people are me.
