Monday, August 31, 2020

Rabbit, Rabbit, September!




Gracious me, it's September today, the start of the ninth month of the year and the time many of us think of as the start of fall, though that's closer to October. The next full moon is tomorrow, September 2nd, and its nickname is the Corn Moon. 

It's been a mostly very hot summer, and I hope the winter doesn't swing too far in the opposite direction. It's going to be another unusual school year, as we continue to live in interesting times.

It's a slow news day in my life, which is fine with me. Honestly, the most shocking thing to happen to us was having a kitchen cabinet fall off the wall and come crashing to the floor at about 10:30 pm, while I was standing right there, performing my usual ritual of preparing my coffee maker for the next day. We were up until 2am cleaning up broken stuff, vacuuming, and measuring and drilling. I cleaned the remaining dishes and put stuff away the next morning. We were both grateful that at least we didn't need to get up early the next morning.

 Mike is still working three days a week, from home, just until the end of November. Since we couldn't go anywhere in September, he decided to take another contract. I sent my passport in for renewal, and am hoping to get it back by November. With the extreme delays, processing time is very much up in the air. 

 The gorilla taking up space in my cranium these days is the upcoming election and all the political and racial unrest. The way a last minute event affected the last election outcome has caused me anxiety over something else happening again. However, I need to stay busy and stop thinking about that!

 I am reading, trying to learn how to play alto recorder, taking Duolingo lessons, puzzling, and walking, with some other  random stuff thrown in.

My younger sister is visiting from Massachusetts, we celebrated my older sister's birthday, and are enjoying being together. Good times.





1 comment:

  1. Yep. Weird times.
    Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
