Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Another September, Another Rabbit

 ...but not in argyle, this time.  Rabbit, rabbit, happy lucky September! 

The end of any month is usually accompanied by a chorus of where does the time fly??  August is especially that way, of course, because of school. Even for those of us not involved with school, there is an obvious change in vibe. 

                                         Artwork: Lisa Congdon

This year, in these parts, the weather is adding to this vibe; Yesterday was the first day of school in our local district, and it didn't get much above 80 degrees. Today, it won't make it to 70 degrees. 

I hope the kids are excited about going back, and that they have a good school year, even though things are looking dicey again because of COVID. And look: school is already letting out early, due to weather. On the second day of school! Yes, it's raining. 

Starting this afternoon,  we've been vacuuming up water in our basement.  Before I started vacuuming, I had to clean the shop vac Mike was using for his woodworking projects, and that was a project in itself. (I'd just taken a shower, too. Hear me whine.)   Of course, we are thankful that things aren't as bad as they were the last time we were doing this, and hopefully, Harrisburg won't lose another bridge, either.


This was a hot summer, and honestly, I'm ready for cooler weather. But not pumpkin spice. And the rain should stop now, the neighborhood already looks very soggy. 

On the bright side, the mail carrier came, and we got a postcard from our niece, who has just come back from France. She and I share a love for sardines.

This translates to, "we have not raised the sardines together." I suppose that means they were WILD. And nestled in a tight spot together, even though they did not even know each other!

In a few days, Mike and I are taking the train to Atlantic City, NJ, hoping for nice strolling weather and to just get away a little bit. 

So, whatchaupo?


  1. There is always something exciting about September. I think it's because of school starting. Now of course the family doesn't have anyone going back to school. Still the feeling lingers on.
    The rain we had was overwhelming! I'm sorry that you got water in the basement. I imagine many, many people did.
    Thanks for coming over to help with gathering things to get rid of. I'll get it done even if I don't look at everything I get hauled off. After all, if I don't see it, and I haven't seen it for years, it won't matter.

  2. As usual, I love your rabbit picture!
