Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Rabbit, Rabbit! Happy Lucky March

Good morning, happy Tuesday to you all. Spring is coming, and that always helps, doesn't it? 

Not always, I know. If you're living in country that is being invaded, and afraid that some members of your family will die a horrible, violent death, the seasons don't matter much to you. Tragic news from around the globe always remind me how first world all my problems are. How little I've done to deserve any of my luck. 

If you or your loved ones are struggling with health issues, may the coming of warmer weather make you more comfortable and help your overall mood. That always helps. And, for the over-worked, over scrutinized, stressed out teachers, it is that much closer to the end of another year. May the next three months be easier, or at least go by quickly. 

Right now, I am doing well, happily living an uneventful life, and trying to remember to be thankful for the present, while looking forward to the warm weather.

So, whatchaupto?


1 comment:

  1. It is a good thing to remember how lucky we are. So. Very. Lucky.
    I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
    BTW Rabbit Rabbit.
