Sunday, June 25, 2023

Hey, it's June, and it's almost over

 Wow, I totally forgot to blog this month, and it's already mostly over. As usual, I'm disturbed by how quickly my life is flashing before me, but I'll try not to dwell on that for now.

Random stuff: 

I'm sad that Reddit is choking its third party apps, and missing some of my favorite subreddits, since they've gone dark in protest. These forums are slowly coming back, but I fear that Reddit will be forever changed. We'll see. In the meantime, I've noticed that the official app isn't as bad as it used to be.  And, I was surprised to read in the r/help forum how many people didn't know about the protest and thought that they'd done something wrong! Also, quite a few people were barely aware that all these other apps even existed. So, yeah. I'll miss the app I was using (RIF, or Reddit is Fun), but it's not the end for me. I do think Reddit will miss all that voluntary moderation, though! 

I'm glad that Hunter Biden is pleading guilty to his crimes and perhaps we can stop hearing about his *#!* laptop. 

I was listening to Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me whilst walking today, and that show always highlights news stories that sound like paradies. Well, some of them are, but honestly, some serious crazy shit goes on out there--

In the 1990s, a murder trial was decided by a Ouiji board. Of course, someone has written a book about this, and also of course there was a retrial.

Item: a TikToker faked his own death so he could show up for his funeral by helicopter. I think this is an awful prank, and he must have issues. 

And, I learned a new, fun term: beige flag. It's a dating term for something that's less serious than a red flag, but something that might give one pause. Or, something that won't kill you, but might drive you bonkers. I wouldn't spend much time with a guy with a pet tarantula, for instance. Tarantulas are not poisonous and do not want to hurt people, but--their hairy little legs and visible eight eyes might give me the willies. And, it might be cruel to keep them as pets. And they need to eat insects, so--'nuff said. A pet tarantula is a beige flag.


AND, here I am, haven't even published this blog yet. Publish seems a fancy word for what this is, and yet. There have been lots of big news stories since I last visited. I'm so sorry for those men who died in that sub exploring the Titanic. And fascinated by what is going on in Russia. And watching all the legal issues unfold for the former guy. 


1 comment:

  1. Great post. Leah and I paid attention to the submersible bigtime. I am sorry for them all, but most sorry for the son who didn't truly want to be on it.
    There's a lot going on, much of it very bad stuff.
