Friday, June 1, 2018

Rabbit rabbit, Happy June 1st

To me, June is the official start of summer, even if summer solstice doesn't actually arrive until almost the end of the month. Give me a break; culturally, it is now summer.

What's going on? Well, Lara and Emily were here very recently, and we had a delightful visit. They wanted to go to The Midtown Scholar and poke around, so we did. Mike and I discovered that the rare book room goes way way down and back...we almost made it to Narnia, I think. There are way more books in this place than meets the eye. Then, we had coffee or tea and muffins, because it would be a shame to go without doing that. We hardly ever think of going there, and honestly, my pile is so high that I don't really need another book.

We also ate well (but of course), meandered through a local antique mall, and took a stroll through the hometown. It's a great place to walk, and we got lucky with the weather.

Oh, and we discovered that we could fit five people in Della's Prius. And no, we did not need the giant shoe horn.

Mike and I really need to travel north soon to visit. I'd love to see Lowell, and it would be nice to see Xena again...the cute little chiweenie is going to be eighteen (!) years old in the near future.

June sneaked up on us...we just realized that we have book group THIS Sunday, and the couple who are hosting it are doing a brunch instead of an evening gathering, appropriate since we will be discussing a book about coffee.

SO, whatchaupto?


  1. It was a wonderful visit for sure. It's not very often that all of us are together.
    And...what good food!

  2. Thanks, Mom! Had a great time this weekend.
